
Friday, November 9, 2018


Kim gives me topics months before. And she has this amazing talent of knowing exactly what I need to write about and when. Even so far in advance. Last week I had a medical procedure. And today is the first day I am dipping my feet back into my work environment. I have read emails, made some payments, helped our GM with various issues over coffee every morning, but today I have done four hours of work so far.

And all who know me, when they hear I am getting back to work, say ‘listen to your body’. ‘Be gentle with yourself’.

I write about loving yourself. I write about being kind to yourself. And yet, as with most people reading this, I am the least gentle on myself. For me it is a daily fight. A daily reminder of just how beautiful and unique and special I really am. I am sure many people have thought about whether they spoke to their friends the way they spoke to themselves, how many of them would still be around. And I am sure that the answer is not many.

And so, as I sit at my desk, I am listening to my body. I am being gentle with myself. Because I know that I deserve it. I know that when I die one day I won’t get a special merit award for pushing myself when I should have been resting, that one day in November 2018. You are the person you have for the rest of your life. So be gentle with yourself. Love yourself. And remember to treasure the friendship with the person who gazes out at you from the mirror.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Relationships that stand the test of time

Why should relationships NOT stand the test of time? What reason could there possibly be that this is not just the norm? the dictionary describes relationship as being ‘the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.’

So when you meet somebody, and you gel with them, or when you ae born into relationship, one would think that this lasts. That you have found your best friend. Your lover. Your partner. Because they ticked the blocks and you ticked theirs.

However as human beings, we change. We adapt, we evolve. And for many people that means their partnerships and romances and friendships as well. The connection changes. It may fade.

In my life, there have absolutely been relationships that have stood the test. People who have come into my life not only for a season or a reason, but for a lifetime.

These people have left footprints in my heart. And if I had to attempt to ascertain what has made them different, I can absolutely say unconditional love. Friends. Friends of family. Family of friends. Older, younger. It doesn’t matter. It is built on mutual respect, mutual contact and effort, and zero expectations – just celebration in what you have with each other and in each other.

These are not the norm, these are the exception. And when you find the, honour them. Recognise them. and never stop appreciating them.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Learning our greatest lessons from our children

When we become parents, we assume that we are the party responsible for education in the relationship that ensues. We teach our precious bundles to crawl, stand, eat, walk. Then in years to come we teach them how to read, write, study, and the differences between right and wrong.

We watch them doing concerts, eisteddfods, priding ourselves on the great jobs we have done. Patting ourselves on the back. We plaster them all over Facebook, Instagram, Watsapp.

But in reality, when you really open your eyes, you find that you are in fact, the one being schooled.

Since you became a parent, you have learned humility. You have learned that chipped nailpolish, chewed nails, faces sans makeup, hair with 3 months’ worth of regrowth, are not the end of the world. That as long as your children are healthy, happy, and safe, your own pride comes last. You learn that a stain on your shirt, or a couple of missing buttons, are easily overlooked in comparison to a hug, fixing a scraped knee, and some slobbery kisses.

You have learned patience. You have had to repeat yourself 1000 times. Told the same story. Issued the same warning, been asked the same questions. Tied the same shoelaces, blown the same nose.

You have learned about honesty. You have learned loyalty without bounds.  Been called in to see the same teacher, same principal, had the same parents contacting you. Maintaining solidly that as long as your child is honest with you, you will fight their battles. You will have their backs.

But most of all, you have learned about love. Because I promise you, that no love can ever compare to the love of a child. The love you have for that irritating, dirty, rude, whiny, monster is incomparable and the greatest kindness you can ever hope for.

Monday, August 20, 2018


You are as sweet as honey on a grizzly bear's whiskers
And as precious as a drop of water in a drought-stricken land
You are the roadmap which guides my restless spirit
You are as innocent and pure as a saint, clas in white
But yet, I turn away fro you
your fingers, inquisitive yet caring, probe my soul and I withdraw, like the petals of a daisy closing as dusk falls
All you want to do is love me, yet I turn away from you
I don't know what it is which dampens my zeal like a torrent of rain over adry and heat-ridden desert
But I do know one thing, I want to love you, not turn away from you
And furthermore, I want you to love me and your innermost soul to be mine

Monday, August 13, 2018


I am a person who is passionate. About everything – even the weather. Nothing is ever halfhearted and I feel everything with my entire being.

As a result, I find myself finding value in everything. Chasing every idea. Easily getting distracted and waylaid on things that perhaps are not entirely relevant or in the bigger picture, even matter. I lose perspective and find myself spread thinly, and in a bit of a whirlwind.

I am 41 now, and the last few years have been a period of self-discovery for me. I have learned so much about myself and I continue to do so on a daily basis. And realizing that I first need to find my priorities, find what fills me, find what rewards me, has been the biggest lesson.

Because if you are wasting your energy on something that does not serve you, why are you doing it? Do you know how to say no? or are you a people pleaser? I was most definitely a people pleaser for most of my life until very recently. No matter the inconvenience to self, I did what I needed to, to make those around me happy, first. In the interim I was depleted of any reserves. Running my car with a very flat battery. Wondering why I was so tired constantly, had no time for myself, and was feeling so begrudging towards everybody around me. ‘oh sure YOU get to have a relaxing evening that’s because I just made you dinner!’ I would mumble under my breath. ‘nice that YOU get to lie in the bath and read for an hour, I only managed a quick ice cold shower!’ I would complain whilst rolling my eyes to myself.

And then I realized I needed to repaint my picture. It was important for me that I, Hayley, was also nourished. It was important that I had down time, that I got to rest, that I experienced relaxation. Yes, sometimes that means that I cannot be all things to all people, but guess what, in the interim that just teaches them their own life lessons, and their own perspectives. You need to establish what is important to you, and you need to pursue it. With all the passion you need, but just make sure your perspective nourishes YOU first. Be kind to YOURSELF this woman’s month!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Sex... and the like

A fuck is a fuck - not so?
What's that you say? making love?
What's that?
What is this alien term?
I am a male, with no better intentions than to use and abuse. 
What's that you say? 
Women have feelings too?
yeah, so what?
My mission in life is to invade your hope, perpetrate your heart, and kill your love
Squash your love like a bug, a meaningless insect underneath my heel
While I enjoy my screw, my fuck, while I am having sex...
I know you will be making love, because I am a male

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

My Lover

Dark as a moonless night
Blue eyes sparkling with the clarity of a mountain stream
Deep and reflective like wells of moonlit water
Extravagant as a string of pearls

Monday, July 16, 2018


When we first met, you were to me another person
Another person who was special, but not so special that I would give my heart and soul to you alone
Then something amazing happened which made you someone with who I'd share my entity with
I'm still not quite sure what it was.

All I know is that it had to do with your music.
Not just the glorious music which your voice and mind exude
But the music of your wondrous self - your love, your humour, your kind spirit, and your hands
Your hands which are so sensual that their touch brings shivers to the whole of me
Your hands which embody your caring, sensitivity, and affection for everything dear to you

With merely your hands beckoning me to you, my whole body responds in eager anticipation of you
My mind is your playground, every word you utter in sincerity or in play has a thousand different meanings for my intelligence.

When I am with you or near you, your presence is enough to calm me and protect me from all that perturbs me

My wish now is that I can always be able to hear your sacred music and have my hands meeting yours in an action of unending ecstasy and love 

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Your voice, soft and caring, brushes over my ear lobe, into the inner cavity of my brain
Penetrating, resounding
Your every word means so much to me
Your every action, your every thought
Who would have thought someone as fickle as me could find a soulmate and life-partner so true and caring
Truly you are a gift from God
Magnetic eyes and clear-cut features completing your beautiful profile
I thank God with everything inside of me
If you desert me I shall indeed be devoid of use, starved, wrought of life and strength.
But now I have you to hold and comfort
And I'll love you as long as I hold you
Until my willow tree shrivels to leave me unprotected, uncared for, dry
To perish in a world of non-believers 

Monday, July 2, 2018


Your crystal blue eyes pierce the darkness of the night
Invade the depths of my sanity
And penetrate the impenetrable cavities of my heart
Friends can turn into lovers, this you have proven time and time again
I have wept all the tears in my being
And now, I feel alone, dry and barren
Barren of you love for me, and my love for myself
Like a withered rose petal, I find myself falling to the ground, twisting and twirling in the agony of lost love
As the winds of despair infiltrate and defeat my soul 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Death, for me, is such a scary word. It is so final, so permanent. We live our lives in fear of so much. Fear of war, fear of violence, fear of job loss, fear of a divorce, insolvency, but most of all, fear of losing those we love.

That day, we will see their face no more. Hear their voice no more. Their jokes, their eccentricities, their stories. Feel their influence and love and support around us. See the effect they have on others that we love, and others that they love. It is absolutely terrifying and yet it is an absolute certainty.

My mom was in a loveless marriage with my father for a very long time. They were only divorced a decade ago. My mom made the conscious effort to attempt to get over years of emotional and mental abuse and live a life of happiness and love. Without the intention to ever meet another man, or get involved again, but just to have peace in her life.

The universe, however, had other plans for her, and three years ago she met the man of her dreams. The man who loved her above all others. The man who made her feel like a princess, like she was safe, protected, and adored. They married in 2016. I have been a single mom for the past 15 years, and so for me, it was absolutely life-changing to see that this was indeed possible. No matter how strong, no matter how broken, no matter how petrified, it is possible – with the right man and at the right time.

The two of them had many adventures together. They travelled, they explored, they laughed, they loved. They taught. Most importantly. Two months ago they set off across the seas for a holiday of a lifetime, like two teenagers.

We lost my stepdad two weeks ago, and today we say goodbye to him in a memorial. He passed while on this beautiful trip. My mom had to deal with losing her soulmate so far away. Away from her daughters, and her support structure. She had to make the arrangements and she had to be strong and she had to be determined. My heart is broken for her, and I find myself wondering, is it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? And I find myself coming back to the same answer, every time, resoundedly – YES! Do not waste time, fighting petty fights. Love those who are good to you, and who add to your life. Make space for them, build them up, let them lift you up, and live, together. Do not wait for tomorrow. Make what is wrong right. Live with no regrets. And be kind to one another.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday motivational: The mind is everything. What you think you become - Buddha


I never believed in love
I never believed in fairytales
I never believed in happy endings, leprechauns
I never believed in joy
Then there was you
It was a day different to no ther
The sun had risen
It had gone to sleep
The weather was average
My mood moderate
Nothing was special, nothing was strange
Except it was the day I fell in love with you
It was the day that my life changed
My heart was lost 
And my forever began
Rainbows, shooting stars, ladybirds, rainstorms, and LOVE!
So much love! So much Joy! So much happiness!
There will never be an ending, it will be forever
Forever amazing
Forever sacred
Forever beautiful
Forever you

Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday motivational: The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is mere tenacity - Amelia Earhart

Shooting Stars

Shooting stars are things often spoken about
But very rarely seen
They shoot across the sky
And only the privileged few catch a glimpse
You hear stories of how people have seen them
Or people know people who have seen them
Or very nearly saw a shooting star themselves once
Once in a lifetime

Its very much like love
People know that it exists
They tell stories about OTHER people they know
Who are in love
And how they very nearly fell in love themselves once
Once in a lifetime

I have both. I have true love, and a shooting star

But my star continues to shine, it lights my horizon, my days, my nights
My star is my love
And I want to shine with him
Because this is real
This is forever
This is once
Once in a lifetime

Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday motivational: The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now - Bill Cosby

The Sun

Why do people use the sun?
Its a word used for the beginning
And a word used for the end

Both the alpha and the omega
The start and the finish

Yet it warms our days, casts light where it shines and brings hope

Hope to the lonely, hope to the lost

Light to the downtrodden, the abused and the scared

Its a new light, its a new day, its a new dawn.

Dance in the sun! Embrace it, hold it near

Let each new morn for you be the alpha, the start, the beginning

Mourn not, fear not, grieve not

Do not long for what you have lost, what was never yours and what was never meant to be

Celebrate the gift given, hold fast to the new start and make the most of each breath bestowed.

Let the sun not be a bereavement, let it be your birth

Monday, May 28, 2018


You hear the word being thrown around. For many of us though, we do not practice this, or truly value the meaning of the word, although we like to imagine that we do.

The meaning of the word is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.’

One of my mentors and teachers recommends keeping a Gratitude Journal and writing in it daily. This has become part of my morning ritual and it forces me to think about the people and the things in my life I am truly grateful for. We have all been taught to say we are grateful for a roof over our heads and a tummy that’s been fed.

Which are absolutely items to be grateful for as so many people do not have that privilege, especially in our country and in our continent.

BUT there is so much more to be grateful for. We take advantage of our gifts, we brush over them, we complain, we get bitter. We long for more and get jealous of the people around us who have abundance of material objects.

But what about our eyesight that enables us to see their new car? What about our hearing that enables us to hear of other’s achievements? We complain that our car may not be the latest model. That on cold mornings it battles to start. What of those that have no car, no public transport, not even shoes on their bare feet? We moan that our colleagues are ungrateful, loud, obnoxious. Does not having colleagues mean that we are employed?

Gratitude is a journey and never a destination and it’s a practice well worth starting. Take stock. Have a look around. And count your blessings.

Be kind to one another.

Monday motivational: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday motivational: We become what we think about - Earl Nightingale


The future. The now.

The pain and the pleasures in store for us

Nobody knows. The day, the hour, the minute

Out of our hands, out of our control

Suffering. Torment. Sadness

Why must it be ensured? Why must it continue, or even begin?

Why can those we love, and us ourselves, not escape unscathed, unaffected and unpained?

I pray that my God be with those I hold dear and bring them through the valley safely to the other side. 

Monday, May 7, 2018


You are alienated on a remote island far away in your subconscious
You didn't commit this apartheid. Society did
A society which is cruel and condemning

Turning friend against friend, brother against brother
A society which reaches out with plastic smiles and credit cards
You shrink away from this charity like a pin-pricked balloon
You want your liberty, your fraternity, your equality
When will this heaven on earth become a reality?

When will this utopia come into being?
When will your skin change it's colour?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday motivational: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference - Robert Frost

A freight train

When I first met you
I was adrift, aloof, amiss

You came as though sent
Your face, your voice, and those eyes
All made me calm
Feeling the depth behind them
The strength
The person

Time has passed
But a sliver
And yet a lifetime it may have been
As my feelings, from the first moment
Have been true
And unavoidable

Like a freight train
With urgent deliveries
A shooting star
Dead set on course
A stallion, determined to gallop to the horizon

So is the emotion in my whole being for you
I am no longer in charge
It has me
You have me

 I am yours
Do with me as you will

But know that in all my dealings with you
All my thoughs
And all my dreams and desires I will always treat you with respect, admiration and affection

Where our course is headed
Is unknown
Where we will end up, I'm unsure

All I know is that this journey is an amazing one and that I'm falling
and Persistently for you

Monday, April 23, 2018

The Rain

The rain was falling.... so gently.... it knew you were coming
It new that I needed it to cleanse me....
Prepare me...... prepare my soul, and my heart...... for the one

The one that would come, and silence my fears
Break down my barriers, and love me

Love me in a way I never knew existed and wouldn't allow myself to feel

He has gone now, but not for long
And when the next rain falls, I shall be dancing in it's rops, with him

My one 

I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse - Florence Nightingale

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value - Albert Einstein

If you should go

The fingers of fear grip my petal-like heart
Threatening to shatter it into many small pieces - if you should go
If you should go, just as I feel I am beginning to know you, understand you, and love you, 
My roots will no loner get sustenance

Not 'go' in the physical sense, but rather just retreat into your multiple, complex, beautiful self
Barring me from entering your prison walls until eternity
These fingers of fear are so encompassing and vast that my heart, mind and soul are crippled with this fear - the fear of your leaving

You are so unlike anyone I have ever met
The strength of your intimacy enthralls me, captivates me, and I feel myself beginning to dance to the rhythm of your passion

The vibrance of you inflames me, all of me
But the rhythm, the fire and the magic will all disappear until forever - if you should go

Monday, April 9, 2018


Rejection.... three syllables that are so hard for a little boy to understand
He couldn't understand the root of their misgivings, jeerings, mockings
His mother was just that, his mother, his life support, his candle in the wind
He couldn't understand why it was that his fellow pupils would find it strange for her to be unstable and insecure
Of course, he accepted her coming home at four in the morning, soaked as a sponge in liquor
He accepted the rocking-horse of emotions, ranging from hysteria to utter insanity 
He accepted her, why couldn't they accept him?

Monday motivational: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve - Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Starting a day next to you is like standing on a beach
Feeling the sand under your feet, smelling the salty sea air
And feeling the fine spray of water on my skin as a wave crashes to the shore

You ignite my senses and you make my heart dance
Your face, your heart, your amazing spirit

Have all captured me and enslaved me and made me to bow to the majesty of my very own ocean

Your tide pulls me down, gravitates me to you 
I know that you are where I belong and I know that I am drowning in your waters

But I have o desire to struggle, I surrender myself willingly
To the ebb of your sea. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Even though I feel as if I am losing you more with every passing minute
You are still my lifeline, my lighthouse beckoning me from the rugged and ruthless ocean of life
You are the tide that brushes over me, cleansing me, making me clean and whole again
She is the rock that tosses me about
Disturbing my peace of mind
I realise you will never fully know the capacity or velocity of my love, but still I utter three useless words as the current of emotion brushes over me, 
and the rocks disturb the calmness of my inner being

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Once upon a dream
You find what you've been looking for
You find the person
You find the place
You find your destiny
When's it my turn? 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Myth called Love

You and I toss and turn
Revolving in this glass cage we call love
What is love?
A word?
An emotion?
A feeling?
Something often used for the wrong reasons
Something often used to express feelings one can't comprehend or handle
'and what do you think? one may ask
Frankly my dear, I don't give a dam

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Sink or Swim

Sometimes I feel heavy, as weighted as a stone sinking through water
And I find myself wondering, am I destined to remain a stone, and sink to the depths or despair and loneliness, 
or am I destined to struggle, kick and fight my way to the surface, to happiness?
I know that I want to be the swimmer, not the sinker, 
But I have to find the buoyancy to stay afloat in the torrent of water we call LIFE

Dedicated to the successful completion of my destiny 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Is there power in forgiveness

People are quick to tell you – forgive and forget. It is an old adage. However, personally, I battle with this. 

When so many people seem to do you wrong, when so many people seem out to hurt you, I like to hold on to the disappointment. 

So that when I see said person, it will be fresh at the top of my memory exactly how this person betrayed my trust. Dates and time will be a little foggy, but the Act itself will be vivid.

Why would I want to hold on to these acts? Why would I want to remember how I have been betrayed, let down, misused? I don’t have the answer to this, perhaps it has to do with continually giving too much. Never asking why, just always doing. Assisting. Helping. Sacrificing. I think that holding on to this record of wrong-doings helps me to remember that I have done my share. 

I have assisted friends, family members, colleagues, much more than my fair share. It helps me to remember that I am a good person, after all look at all I have done!

However, one of my mentors recently pointed out to me how heavy my burden is, if I insist on carrying everybody’s wrongdoings around with me. My bag just expands and expands as I open it wider and wider and pack everybody’s trespasses against me into it. My back nearly caving under the weight, but very determined to lug it around, lest I forget what somebody did against me in 1995. She encouraged me to let it go, to give each person what belongs to them. To unpack it, and leave each item at the feet of those it belonged to, as it no longer belonged to me, and has never served me.

I duly did this, in my mind, and in my soul, consciously severing the ties that bound me to these people. Letting go of the anger and resentment that I felt. It really did help me when I realised that these people had not done these things on purpose. They had not deliberately wanted to be nasty to me. A lot of the actions could not even be remembered by the perpetrators and yet here I was, silently planning their demise. 

At nobody’s detriment but my own. Having that cancer, that anger, that hatred inside me every day only hurt me. It brought MY energy down, shifted my space in the universe. Do not give power to the negative. Let it go. Embrace the positive, embrace forgiveness, embrace walking into the future weightless.

And be kind to one another.

Monday motivational: Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is - Vince Lombardi

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Twas the night before Valentines

Twas the night before Valentines, and all through the house...
Who am I kidding.....Valentine's Day is just another commercial, money-making rip off a day, is it not?

So I would like to say yes. And say that Valentine's Day means nothing. However, maybe it is conditioning. Maybe it is from years of subliminal advertising soaking into my brain. But I would like to say that the sentimentality behind the day is beautiful. That the idea of going out of your way to tell somebody how you feel about them is amazing, and special. For both the giver and the recipient. 

For years I have not had a partner over this time of year, but I gave co-workers, my children, my friends, small gestures, and little gifts to tell them how much I love them.

However, this year, the whole ball park has changed. The field has been evened and the bats streamlined. This year, I have a Valentines. I have a beautiful amazing fantastic wonderful man to spoil and to love and to remind just how much he is treasured and appreciated. Because he is. 

He has lowered my walls, breached my fortress, and stormed my bastille. And I am his. His alone and his in totality. What did I buy? The most corniest items I could find - plastic roses, huge cards, heart shaped simply everything. What are we doing? Movies and a dinner. Because it is our first Valentines Day together and kitch as it may seem, or corny as it may come across, we are going to have a Typical Date night. We will feed each other popcorn, and hold hands and snog in the movie house.

I will stare into his eyes and he will play footsie footsie under the table. I will give him a goodnight kiss before he leaves me to go home. And I will lie in my bed with little cupids flying around my head.

And thats okay. In fact its more than okay. It is exciting and it is wonderful and I cannot wait.

Twas, after all, the night before Valentines Day <3 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Deep you
Deep me
Deep sky
Deep sea
Shallow world
Shallow people
Shallow non-believers everywhere
Will we truly live
Or be suffocated by the shallowness of destiny?

Monday, January 29, 2018


As I lay here, in my bed
I ponder how I came to meet you

The bending of every particle of probability and timing brought us together

Unbeknown to us

The purpose is unsure
A puddle of rainwater on a dark day
Murky, unclear, but deep and natural

The pull I feel similar to the attraction of the Earth on the Moon, a moth to a flame

You are my life, my orbit
You are the yin to my yan

I dance to your name.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Happiness and craziness
Seem to go hand in hand

Never have I been so crazily in love and never before, so happy
Laughter explodes from my very soul, and permeates right through to the tip of my wrinkled nose!

It's been searched for, it's been spoken of, perhaps even yearned for 
Never before was it anticipated, expected, or achieved
Something similar was present, something similar ignited my being for years
I know now, that it was a fraud, a fake, and a ruse

This false happiness was no more than mediocrity
A false prophet, false promise and averageness

Now all is true. The laughs, the likes, the touches, the affection
And more than anything else, the light inside of me. Inside of my soul, inside of my heart and inside of my life

A light like no other. A truth like no other.
A man like no other. MY man

Thank you for being my truth and my torch in the night, my rainbow <3 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


This is how you make me feel
These things I feel too
Past hurts have a way of influencing future happiness
This is the truth
The bare truth. The cold truth
Love is too
And I love you
Let me love you, kiss you, hold you
Make you mine
Let me take the past and all that has hurt you and mould it into a future we both can cling to and nurture
Take my heart and do the same
Take all that I am and make me

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Why did you enter me, my aura, my soul, myself
I did not invite you, you invaded my walls of protection I had constructed around my emotions, and refused to leave
Why did you choose me when there were so many innocents to choose from?
You were lurking like a black widow, spinning and weaving your intricate web so carefully around me
I was eventually surrounded by your cunning, and offered myself as a pure sacrifice to the cult of your religion
I thought you were a saint, and found out you were atheist in your thoughts and actions
This revelation cut through me like a double-bladed knife, leaving a scar which will never heal
So tell me now, why me, my heart, my being, myself?
You have overstayed your welcome, and now I am asking you to leave me, so I can set about breaking free of your web.