
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Why is business so important to me?

Business, and more importantly, small business, is a passion that runs deep in my veins. I cannot be at a braai or at a dinner with friends, without asking about their marketing, or their staff, or their clients. And as soon as I do, I find myself instantly referring to what ‘we’ will do. How ‘we’ should incentivise staff.  How ‘we’ should market. I become possessive. I become obsessed. I sometimes have to be asked very politely to step away from the SMME.


And why? Well because I am a small business owner. I did not develop a business idea. I did not see a gap in the market and address it. I came in by default. As a temp staff member. And fell in love with the job. And for the past 20 years, I have been doing my job. 17 years ago I became a shareholder and in 2017 I became 100% owner of VCA. But in my mind, I still do my job.


And my job involves consulting to my clients. Sometimes around legislation. Sometimes around HR. But ALWAYS around compliance, and growth, and sustainability. Which is when I realised. What makes me excited is not the Acts. It’s not new legislation. It’s the entire jigsaw puzzle that is small business. It is how many hats a Small Business Owner has to wear. And when one starts out, one believes that you need to be proficient in everything. Then, you realise that there are specialists that can alleviate much of the burden for you, on an outsourced basis. So you can get the expertise you need at a fraction of the cost.


You also realise that you are not unique. We all feel extremely possessive over our businesses. My challenge is like nobody else’s. My product is unlike any other. My staff are totally different. The bottom line is that all business operates from the same lifeblood. All business operates in the same way, with the same veins, and the same bones. Some are miniature, others are giant. But all have the same frame, and the same structure.


Business is important to me because I was a single mom since I was 26. I am now 44 years old. I have been supporting myself and my two children for 18 years, and before that I was the breadwinner. I have done that by doing my job. In the process I have built a company, built a personal brand. I have coached around 3000 businesses in their compliance and towards their growth, including work for the Cheri Blair Foundation and Shanduka Black Umbrellas on a volunteer basis. I have coached micro and small companies for GIBS. And I have enjoyed every single second. Because business changes lives.


It helps a single mom out of an otherwise impossible hole. It validates the hustle of an otherwise feeble voice. It grows employees in turn, who can start their own passions. It turns conversations at parties into a takeaway other than a party box. Small business is the lifeblood of our economy. Join us. Its fun.


Sunday, March 28, 2021

45 before 45

So the topic I was given for this week is 45 things I want to do before I turn 45

Bear in mind, this happens in 6 months from today. Nothing like a firm deadline to really get action inspired. 45 seems a large number, and I guess I need to make peace that it is a big number, and comes with responsibilities. One of them is honouring me commitments and always being true to myself. So lets begin now.


1)      Go away on my own for at least 2 nights

2)      Finish writing my book

3)      Take a dance class

4)      Take a boxing class

5)      Have a proper and measurable retirement plan

6)      Finish Money Magic with my Fairy Godmother

7)      Have my dad in an appropriate forever place

8)      Visit Memel

9)      Go to Cape Town again

10)   Have my next overseas holiday booked

11)   Host a webinar I actually speak on

12)   Coach 4 more small businesses

13)   Do a public speaking engagement

14)   Finish archiving all family documents

15)   Do a 10 km hike in nature

16)   Master the art of self love

17)   Finish the entrance of the training room

18)   Learn how to stop procrastinating

19)   Once learned, master it!

20)   Read 6 books – one a month

21)   Go for a mammogram

22)   Visit the gynae

23)   Take the staff on a break and on a plane

24)   Start doing Copywriting work

25)   Start doing Proofreading work

26)   Do a Zumba class

27)   Get my passport back

28)   Go on an adventure

29)   Try each style of yoga

30)   Master 2 new starters

31)   Master 2 new mains

32)   Master 2 new desserts

33)   Finish one more tattoo

34)   Master the art of meditation

35)   Shed 10 more kilograms

36)   Master 2 cocktails


And this is where I end

Which proves that I am really 36. It has taken me three days to write this list and I simply cannot come up with anything truly substantial to fill the gaps but it sure has given me a lot to chew on over the next few months. Here is to 45!