
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Meaningful weekends

What a subjective topic to write about. First we have to decide what gives our lives meaning. For me, meaning comes from the people in my life. I know rest and relaxation is very important for us human beings, especially those of us older than thirty! However, sometimes R&R has to come second to my people. Take this last weekend as an example.

I went to a day jol for a local motorbike club. I partied like it was 1989 let alone 1999, and it took me not one, not two, but THREE days to recover. Which sounds like a very harsh punishment. However, it was a beautiful, amazing gift that was given to me instead. I was surrounded by so many people that love me and who I love. Awesome music, belly laughs (so so many of those!) and happiness.

So for me, my weekend was definitely meaningful. And I am so grateful for that.

Other weekends have come and gone in the blink of an eye, and you wonder why? Before you know it, you blink and its Sunday.

And the reason, I think, is meaning. Substance. What makes your heart soar? If its solitude, GIVE yourself that gift. If its people, throw yourself in their midst. If its music, pump it up loud and let EVERYBODY watch you.

And while you are about it, don’t wait for Friday. Or Thursday. Or any day. Add meaning to your life now. Today. Give yourself the amazing gift of the present.

And be kind to yourself.