
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Self acceptance

This phrase is a double-edged sword for me. In principal it is such a beautiful sentiment, such a life-changing state of mind. And yet in practice, easier said than done!

Why is it that we can accept others so easily. Flaws and all. They can hurt us, disappoint us, let us down repeatedly and yet, most times, we accept them back with arms wide open only to have it done again! 

And yet if you let yourself down, just once. If you fail. If you forget, if you fall, what do you say to yourself? Stupid woman! There you are, letting everybody down AGAIN! You are such a disappointment. You always fail. It may be the first time you have even tried this particular task but those voices will make sure you realise just how pitiful and disappointing you are.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we treat ourselves any less than we would treat those friends who disappoint? Do we not deserve love and affirmation too? This year, this is my goal. Total self-acceptance. When I fall, I will make sure I am the first person to pick myself up, and the same rules will apply to Hayley as they do to those around her. Love and acceptance and confidence.

Go out there and try it, and above all, love YOURSELF! Be kind to one another. 

Friday, September 9, 2016