
Saturday, December 7, 2019


The annual December shutdown is upon us all. And speaking entirely for myself, it cannot come fast enough.

This year has been manic. Its been unsettled, its been hard, its been emotionally draining. People have been abusive, nasty, vindictive, and downright horrible. Companies have closed, money has been in scarcity, South Africans have left our beautiful country by the thousands.

Violence has been the name of the game, and anarchy, and fear. Droughts, heat waves and deprivation.

AND YET. There is so much to be grateful for. We live in such a beautiful country. Filled with the most amazing people. People who have banded together, raised each other up, dragged each other through the hardships and have stood victoriously on the other side, no matter how big or small the battle.

The economy remained stable. New businesses have started and stayed open. Employment has been created. And most importantly, love has remained.

Love for our families, however tarnished they may be. Love for ourselves, warts and all. Love for our battered and bruised South Africa, and love for the people in our lives.

And during this holiday time, is that not where our focus should be fixed firmly? Spending time to fix the battered, nurse the disjointed, and repair the rifts. Time to not just be busy and frantic, but to listen. To love, and to care?

Personally the last few weeks have felt like I would be better off marooned on an island, far far away. But I know on a cellular level, the people I share my story with are my life. They make me tick. They make me feel whole. They add to my purpose and fill me with love. No it should not take December, or holidays, to make me whole again, but our souls are tired. They are exhausted from fighting the good fight on a daily basis, as if we don’t, we are surely done for, and the world has no place for people who lie down and play dead.

So just for today, fight. Breathe. Look forward. Because even if you do not have leave coming your way, or a lavish holiday. Even if you do not have family or friends that you will be sharing your time with, you have YOU. You have a magical new DECADE coming. Where you get to write on a brand new page, with bright shiny letters. Let these holidays bring for you a new start. A new hope. A new love. May 2020 be phenomenal for us all.