
Friday, April 29, 2016

The BusYness of Deadlines

Are we as human beings not funny creatures. Give us a deadline, and we will work towards it diligently. Meaning that we will desperately grab as it two days before, realise there is two week's work involved, and run around like a crazed maniac trying to get the job done.

Why do we never plan? Allow enough time?

We are so desperate to make tight deadlines, have people around us believe we are way too important, answer all calls to our cellphones, reply to all emails sent our way. Why? Why do we battle so much to focus on the important areas in our lives, and honour ourselves along the way? 

It is almost as though we deliberately sabotage ourselves by knowing we will burn out. Knowing we will rant and rave, shout and scream, at all in our path, as we hurtle towards the finish line. And yet we continue to perform in the same way.

Personally I believe time management, and planning, is the most important gift you can give yourself, your family, and the organisation you work for, be it your own or somebody else's.

After all, is this not you being kind to one another? Have a beautiful Worker's Day! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The business of loving yourself

I recently had a life and body-altering operation. In fact, six months ago today. And I was left feeling very confused and disorientated. After all, I am 39 years old. It is a long time to have been in this body. I learned first hand that what our minds and our souls do, is block the difference. We do not acknowledge the mirror, we carry on as though our head is the only part of our body that still exists. 

This is obviously not healthy, and definitely not the way to heal. But I think in today's world where we are encouraged to fit in, conform, and be the same as all the others around us, it is instinctive to want to protect ourselves. To camouflage our weaknesses and short-comings, and to deny that there is anything lacking at all. 

However, this is not sustainable. Nobody can flourish or grow in an environment within our hearts that labels us as ugly, imperfect, unworthy. You need to take the time to wallow. It's part of the process. But then.... it's time to stop the pity party, strip the restraints, and take the bull by the horns. 

Look into that mirror. Examine yourself from every angle. Know exactly what it is you are dealing with. In all aspects of your life. And then, do something about it. Take action. Move forward. Never stop improving, working, loving. 

And above all, always, be kind to yourself.