
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday motivational :) There are no traffic jams along the extra mile - Roger Staubach

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The turning of the wheel

We have all heard the saying - time waits for no one. How true does this ring for those of us who have lost somebody we loved, those of us who have fallen, those of us who have missed opportunities. To say how we feel, to change the course of our lives, to treasure a missed opportunity?

My father and I, traditionally, share a very rocky relationship. He has not been a physically well person for a very long time, and today he has an operation. Not a life threatening operation by any accounts, but a surgery nonetheless. 

I will go to him tomorrow, as he stays in a town far from my own. But I still find myself wondering, will he be okay? Will the operation be a success? Will we have a tomorrow? 

I strive to live my life being present, feeling every emotion, living every opportunity. But I find myself slipping, holding onto grudges, and reliving that which should have been left far behind. 

We all have a limited time span. We do not know the hour or the day, but somewhere in the future, our hearts will all stop beating. Don't have regrets. Do not allow yourself to wonder. Just live. Love. And be kind to one another.