
Sunday, December 11, 2016

If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough. – Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Compassion is a big, bold, relevant word for me today, and for most people at this time of year. The word means sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. I have a sign above my stove that reads “Be kind to others always, for you do not know their troubles”.
Five years ago today, my brother in law was murdered. He passed away in my sister’s arms. They were both 26 at the time. It tore her world apart from the very seems, after being in a loving relationship, the envy of everybody who knew them, for the ten years before then. She has never recovered, and nor will she ever. But she has learned to carry on. To get up in the morning (maybe not having slept the night before), but to get up. To go to work. She is a doctor, and so passionate and talented about what she does. She goes to work every day, to treat people, to help people, to make their lives better. She has learned to smile, through the tears.

And if you see her out and about today, you will not know her heartache. As she goes to work, and as you lie on her table, you will not feel her pain. You will not know of her great loss of her great love. But it is there. The pain is there.  So if you are her patient today, if you help her at the cashier today when she comes in to buy some coffee, if you pass her on the street, or brush past her in the parking lot; pause. Stop, and smile. Let your eyes meet hers, let your mouth curve up with acknowledgment. We are all facing troubles our neighbours know nothing about. Be kind to one another.