
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Losing Focus

Too many times in my day, I lose focus. I forget what I am doing, I lose sight of what is important, and I find myself doing work that is not critical or in line with my vision and plan for the day. And before you know it, daylight has gone, and tasks are unfinished.

This has become one of my worst habits, and my biggest detractor from feeling satisfied when I leave the office for the afternoon. I find that working very early in the morning keeps me focused, and I love starting with this from around 05h00 - however, then children awake. Animals stir, and the day begins, and before I know it, a hundred emails are in my inbox, clients are on the line, emergencies have arisen, and the best made plans have long been forgotten. 

I have always worked well with a list, but once my list became over one page long, and then over two pages long, I just couldn't work that way anymore. It became overwhelming. I then started to work with a pile, and work through the pile, an item at a time. When my pile started threatening to fall over, I realised that wasn't working either. I am now working with a time and day planner and it requires a lot of discipline and I am realising it is a better solution for me. 

But it is important to find what works for YOU as there is not one solution that works for us all. Get a coach, join some online programs, research, read, but find your how. Find your flow, and find your focus. We are always inclined to believe that we are alone in this life, and that others don't experience the challenges we do. I can assure you, once you start to look, you realise just how similar we all are. 

Stay on track. Stay determined. And be kind to one another.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ethics in the Workplace

In a country with the staggering unemployment statistics that South Africa has currently, it is almost unfathomable that people will take employment for granted. And yet, they do. Working in the HR industry, being exposed to the challenges that employers face, on a daily basis, is quite incredible. I remember when I visited a butcher who was a client, many years ago, and was told just exactly how meat gets stolen from the shop by their female employees. I, in my naivety, was absolutely horrified. However, for me, that was due to them wanting to feed their families in a country with inflation absolutely crippling us all. 

The harsh reality is that of the many who are working, and lucky enough to be in employment, they are being paid under the breadline. They need to pay a fortune for their transport, and then they still need to provide for their families. So theft will always be rife where the opportunities present themselves. What can companies do to reduce and eliminate these risks? Firstly, ensure that you are paying your staff market-related salaries. Secondly, ensure that you take all reasonable measures to prevent the margin for theft or the opportunity for irregularities. Thirdly, ensure that all your policies and procedures are in place. These may seem arduous and unnecessary, but that is only until things go wrong. And then one realises that these would have protected both the employee and the employer, as there can be no misunderstanding then, and no grey area.

A handshake and a promise do not carry much weight these days, and people with business ethics are few and far between. So as both an employee and an employee, one has to ensure that the organisation has employee contracts, and policies and procedures, to ensure that business is fair and legal.

Should you be unsure about what policies are necessary and which are nice to have, ensure that you speak to an HR practitioner who is known to have a good reputation in the industry. So many people unfortunately are wanting to make money first and please their clients second, and are inclined to sell you far more than you need. Ask around, ask for references, and make sure that you and those in your employ, are covered.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Monday Motivation: If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on. – Sheryl Sandberg

Monday, July 10, 2017

Monday Motivation: First, have a definite, clear practical; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end. – Aristotle

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Monday Motivation: If the wind will not serve, take to the oars. – Latin Proverb