
Monday, May 28, 2018


You hear the word being thrown around. For many of us though, we do not practice this, or truly value the meaning of the word, although we like to imagine that we do.

The meaning of the word is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.’

One of my mentors and teachers recommends keeping a Gratitude Journal and writing in it daily. This has become part of my morning ritual and it forces me to think about the people and the things in my life I am truly grateful for. We have all been taught to say we are grateful for a roof over our heads and a tummy that’s been fed.

Which are absolutely items to be grateful for as so many people do not have that privilege, especially in our country and in our continent.

BUT there is so much more to be grateful for. We take advantage of our gifts, we brush over them, we complain, we get bitter. We long for more and get jealous of the people around us who have abundance of material objects.

But what about our eyesight that enables us to see their new car? What about our hearing that enables us to hear of other’s achievements? We complain that our car may not be the latest model. That on cold mornings it battles to start. What of those that have no car, no public transport, not even shoes on their bare feet? We moan that our colleagues are ungrateful, loud, obnoxious. Does not having colleagues mean that we are employed?

Gratitude is a journey and never a destination and it’s a practice well worth starting. Take stock. Have a look around. And count your blessings.

Be kind to one another.

Monday motivational: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday motivational: We become what we think about - Earl Nightingale


The future. The now.

The pain and the pleasures in store for us

Nobody knows. The day, the hour, the minute

Out of our hands, out of our control

Suffering. Torment. Sadness

Why must it be ensured? Why must it continue, or even begin?

Why can those we love, and us ourselves, not escape unscathed, unaffected and unpained?

I pray that my God be with those I hold dear and bring them through the valley safely to the other side. 

Monday, May 7, 2018


You are alienated on a remote island far away in your subconscious
You didn't commit this apartheid. Society did
A society which is cruel and condemning

Turning friend against friend, brother against brother
A society which reaches out with plastic smiles and credit cards
You shrink away from this charity like a pin-pricked balloon
You want your liberty, your fraternity, your equality
When will this heaven on earth become a reality?

When will this utopia come into being?
When will your skin change it's colour?