
Friday, October 11, 2013

Company Documents and the Necessary Pieces

Did you know that many employers put too much information into employment contracts? This overshare of information can often lead to employers getting themselves into hot water when it comes down to discipline, termination and the like.

Remuneration should NEVER be inserted into an employment contract as this is one of the things that changes most often, it should be put in as an addendum.

All employees should be issued with a handbook when joining a new company, and this should detail the nitty gritty of the organisation, and be updated once a year or whenever major changes occur within the organisation.

With the LRA changing, all employers should ensure that they are fully aware of these and arm themselves with the education that will protect their organisation.

I attended a seminar on this very topic yesterday and found it extremely useful.

Should you have queries or need further information please let me know and I will assist you with pleasure.

Be kind to one another.