
Friday, November 14, 2014

Hayley Hynd: Procrastination

Hayley Hynd: Procrastination: Hi, my name is Hayley, and I am a procrastinator. Not only, in fact, am I a proscrastinator, but I am an EXPERT one at that. I decided to ...


Hi, my name is Hayley, and I am a procrastinator. Not only, in fact, am I a proscrastinator, but I am an EXPERT one at that.

I decided to write this blog about three hours ago. Since then I have found another 10 'to do' items which I have indeed ticked off and completed, but what about the first idea? What about the project I first started?

As we speak I have another ten items in a pile on my desk. All important and yet so many MORE imporant items seem to come on to my desk all day long. And the items already there are pushed to the bottom.

Make no mistake, I have read books on how to prioritise. I have read books on how to PRIORITISE prioritising :) I have researched, I read motivational material every single day. I am mentoring curently for the biggest business school in South Africa. And yet I STILL battle to get this right.

I realise that as an entrepeneur, the 'to do' list never decreases, and as somebody who has ideas every single hour of every single day, that I feverishly email to myself all hours of the night, that it is expected that some things would be pushed to the bottom of the pile..... I also realise that it has been a very long year, not only for myself, but for every person in my immediate circle, and the people in their circles too! 2014, let's be frank, has been a nightmare.

HOWEVER I also realise that I only have 20 more working days until the much-deserved December break. And as a perfectionist, and as somebody who takes tremendous pride in my work, I realise that this means that the time is now. To prioritise. To diarise. And to accomplish.

If you can identify with this at all, join me, hold me accountable as I will hold you accountable, and let's end 2014 off with a bang and with a totally empty inbox :)

I have now typed this blog in ten minutes - and this means that I have accomplished what I have been postponing for weeks. Says something doesn't it :)

Lets go. Benoni, Joburg, South Africa. Let's put our all into not just this day, but every day. Not just this week, but every week we are blessed enough to see.

Let's live our legacy and leave our mark!

Bring on 2015!

Be kind to one another.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


This month just happens to be my birthday month and every year it is such an important month for me. The rest of the year is for everybody else but traditionally September has been for me :)

I am a mom. A single mom to a 10 and 14 year old. Every single mom who reads this knows that this means that there is never time for you. Ever. Period.

I am a boss, with 8 staff members. This means that I am the First Aid Officer, Counsellor, Parole Officer, Agony Aunt and Disciplinarian. It is a tightrope Act of inspiration and of financial prowess. A toilet paper buyer and an emergency light bulb changer. Not anywhere near as glamorous as we have been led to believe. Quite the opposite in fact! I am an entrepeneur and a FIERCE spirit once I have an idea or a concept in site. I don't back down and I always pride myself on doing the very best job I can.

I am a friend. A fiercely loyal and extremely overprotective and absurdly loving friend. I give everything sometimes this even includes the shirt off my back.

I am a lifelong learner. I study life, I study books, I study short courses, in fact I study everything I can. There isn't a time in my life where I haven't been studying over the past 8 years. I order more books than I have space for and I drive everbody insane with my obsession. I have a reading list of books and I encourage every staff member to read at all times.

I am a disciple. I follow the teachings of many great teachers on all mediums I can. I take their learnings and post them all over Facebook, the walls of the office kitchen, my bathroom mirror. I affirm and reaffirm myself :)

The above five things pretty much define who and what I am. Only now, on the eve of my 38th birthday (I have always been a slow learner :)), am I realising that having time for yourself, spoiling yourself and looking after yourself every day not just in September is allowed! This doesn't equate with money, and DEFINATELY doesn't equate with being selfish, or self-indulgent. It equates with longevity, with happiness and with health. If I am not looked after, then I am only doing all these other things with a fraction of what I could. Downtime, rest and relaxation, are all foreign terms to a steam engine that never stops at any one station for very long.

Passion is a must, and something I very clearly have. For everybody except, it would seem, for Hayley! And so my promise and my invitation to every other woman out there, is to look after you FIRST. Its the BEST way to show the people you care about, how much you love them!

Be kind to each other and Happy September :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday motivational

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light - Plato

Friday, August 29, 2014

Leaving a Legacy

With my TWENTY YEAR school anniversary coming up in September, I have been chatting to some old classmates. One of them today said to me 'Your personality had a great impact on me Hayls, just to be yourself!' WOW! And this on a day where I was feeling like I am not making the biggest mark I can, I am not leaving the legacy I want to, and I am not effecting the impact I desire on this world.

Those close to me, in particular my one mentor, told me just yesterday 'keep following the breadcrumbs Hayls'. So I know that means I need to continue to strive for love and laughter and domestic bliss in my home life, reading and absorbing new information like a sponge, pioneering and engaging on the work front. And all the pieces will start to fit together.

I think the problem in today's age is that we want instantaneous gratification. Emails are sent, an an answer is expected within the hour. Whereas letters would be sent out and a month would be waited before responses were remotely awaited! Gone are the days where if you are not at home, or in the office, people couldn't reach you telephonically. And so therefore perhaps I am feeling a need for my legacy to be here, my footsteps, bronzed, and a day named after me as a Public Holiday, already.

Yet my body tells me to slow down. My senses tell me to stop. Take my shoes off. Feel the grass under my feet and the sun on my skin. LISTEN to the birds in the trees and the bees in the flowers. Appreciate the now. Appreciate the second. BE IN THE NOW.  This is what living is. And these are the things one MUST do in order to make a mark, leave a legacy, and effect an impact.

So today, on this cold Friday, I urge you to go home to your loved ones, your family (which for me very much encompasses my friends) and soak them in. Let them into your pores, tell them you love them, and invest in THEM. They are the ones who make us the people that we are, who teach us our greatest learnings, and nurture or break us. They are the ones with whom we entrust our legacies, and boost us to effect our impacts.

Be present.

Be kind, to one another and yourselves.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

New fines for contravening the EE Act:

Maximum permissible fines that may be imposed for contravening the act


Previous Contravention
Contravention of any Provision
of Sections 16 (read
with 17), 19, [20, 21,] 22, 24,
25, 26 and [23] 43(2)
Contravention of any
Provision of Sections
20, 21, 23 and 44(b)
Old Amount
New Amount
No previous contravention
R 500 000
R 1 500 000
The greater of
R 1 500 000 or 2% of
the employer’s turnover
A previous contravention in respect of the same provision
R 600 000
R 1 800 000
The greater of
R 1 800 000 or 4% of
the employer’s turnover
A previous contravention within the previous 12 months or two previous
contraventions in respect of the same provision within three years
R 700 000
R 2 100 000
The greater of
R 2 100 000 or 6% of
the employer’s turnover
Three previous contraventions
in respect of the same
provision within three years
R 800 000
R 2 400 000
The greater of
R 2 400 000 or 8% of
the employer’s turnover
Four previous contraventions
in respect of the same provision
within three years
R 900 000
R 2 700 000
The greater of
R 2 700 000 or 10% of
the employer’s turnover’’.

EE amendments

To all employers: a Handy Hint: We were informed yesterday that should your company be audited by DoL for EE purposes, the EE Manager and the EE Committee is entitled to sit in on any and all meetings and interviews that occur. This is law.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Defending the Cavewoman

I was fortunate enough to FINALLY go and watch Defending the Caveman on Wednesday evening. Did I laugh hard! What a funny performance and so true to life!

It did get me thinking though. Although we laugh hard at the punchlines, the scary part is how much we can all relate. To the stereotypes, to the fallacies and the myths and more than anything, the prejudice. Not just in the dynamics between the genders, but between the races, between the age groups, between the classes. How did it even start and where did it come from?

More to the point, will it ever end? I think although we laugh really easily at things of this nature, it is something that can go from a spark to a flame without any encouragement. Start off as a joke and end up in an argument. Or worse.

Does it not come from fear more than any other place? Fear of the unknown, of the unfamiliar. But then should it not spark curiosity, questioning, investigating? Why does it need to be quite so dogmatic in it's approach?

Makes one realise just HOW important those sessions on Diversity in the Workplace really are. Or Laughter Therapy. Or any activity that helps us see past our differences into our similarities.

Especially as we enter the month of Mandela, let us all put our differences aside, and be kind to one another.

Monday, June 2, 2014

10000 is a big number

Last Wednesday, 28 May, I graduated from the Goldman-Sachs GIBS 10000 Women Certificate Programme for Women Entrepeneurs. On top of this, I was asked to address my class, as one of two women chosen to speak. My 'boyfriend' has been telling me I need to start doing speaking for a year now. She is adamant that this is where my calling lies.

I know that the thought of speaking, before last Wednesday, was enough to reduce me to tears. The thought alone. At my 'boyfriend's' instruction I had looked into doing Toastmasters. LAST NOVEMBER. However, I had looked into it and so my conscience was quelled.

In the past few months, I have had so many signs from so many sources, encouraging me to speak. To share my gift, to share my passion and to share myself and my story, with others. So when Misha asked me to address our group, I knew I had no choice. 'Keep it a secret' she warned. So I sat down and feverishly attempted to write a sterling speech.

After dismally failing, on a plane back from Cape Town, I was flooded with the words. They found me.

When the day came, and I was called forward, I stood up, walked to the front (amidst cat calls of 'Benoniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I spoke. TO my fellow learners. From a place deep inside. And I LOVED IT and I absolutely killed it. Did everybody justice including my mom who happened to be my date for the grad.

A prouder moment I am not sure I have ever had. As I returned to my seat I had a colleague in front of me sobbing her eyes out and THANKING ME for what I said.

On Thursday morning I showed the girls in the office, and I had our Financial Manager crying too!

On Friday I met with another mentor for lunch, and she said to me that she can tell I am not following my true purpose and my true passion.

On Saturday night I met a complete stranger who told me that I need to share me and myself and my gift with the world, with her having no idea what that was or why she was even saying it.

And so today I say, I AM READY UNIVERSE. I am open and I am ready and I want to not just talk about changing the world, I want to be that change.

I am, after all, one of 10000 Women internationally to graduate the Goldman Sachs programme. I am, after all a child of God, as Marianne Williamson tells me. And as my 'boyfriend' constantly reminds me, WHO SAYS SO? Well Jen, I do. And I am ready!

Be kind to one another.


As a woman, I think that the world losing Maya Angelou last week was a massive loss and I would like to remind all women, and all individuals out there of one of her greatest quotes for my Monday Motivation: "I've learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life." GO OUT THERE AND BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Have a beautiful week ahead.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Freedom of choice

I am an avid follower of Les Brown and I appreciate the work he does and the words he speaks. I follow him on Facebook, and last week he posted something which spoke to my very core as a woman and as an adult human being. He wrote:

Are you living together or dying together? Reflect on this question - What is my relationship doing to me? Am I growing mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Is it nourishing or is it toxic? Does it bring out the best in me? Can I be myself? Take a good look in the mirror. Are you being true to yourself and real about what matters to you? Look in the mirror and face the truth about who you are, where you are and what you really want.
If you're in a positive, loving relationship, find more ways to create a richer,  connected life together. Continue to deepen the romance and see each other as the best thing that ever happened in your lives. Increase and enhance communication which is the key that unlocks the door to deeper intimacy. 

On the other hand, have you allowed yourself to put on a mask and pretend that everything is fine? Are you in a place where neither one of you wants to be the first to say goodbye? When you're alone, do you find yourself in places of quiet desperation? Whatever is going on in your personal relationship will show up in your professional performance. Make the choice to live your authentic self and live in a life that you love. You Deserve!
I think that this is just so poignant on how we allow ourselves to live our lives! In our work, in our families, in our friendships, and especially in our partnerships. Are you living together or are you dying together? My wish for you is that you are LIVING together and GROWING together.
Take care of one another.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hayley Hynd: Gratitude

Hayley Hynd: Gratitude: This week I was in Port Elizabeth, our beautiful friendly city. Some of my very favourite clients are based in this city and so it is always...


This week I was in Port Elizabeth, our beautiful friendly city. Some of my very favourite clients are based in this city and so it is always food for my soul to visit them.

The work I was assisting with was for the most part transformational, and this in itself makes my heart smile.

However, I have become more and more aware of the fact that most people are not grateful. Or thankful, and nothing much makes their hearts sing anymore.

I am not for one minute insinuating that I am a master of this. However I can firmly state that I write in my Gratitude Journal every day. I can uncategorically confirm that I read and read and read - motivational books, inspirational works, and food for the mushy part inside. I can also state that I help others. Whether its with a smile, a hand, a shoulder, or a hug, I help others each and every day. This for me has become a habit.

I still wonder though at our unwillingness and inability to wonder. When did we lose this? How did we become so cynical and so pessimistic? I understand that life is hard. People battle. We all fight demons every day.

But imagine the impact if each one of us did just one thing today to make somebody else smile from the inside. When nobody else was looking. Imagine the impact if we all started practicing gratitude. Gratitude for our jobs, gratitude for our homes, gratitude for the meals we enjoy, gratitude for our health and the health of our families. The impact, in my humble opinion, would be vast.

I have heard it quoted 'Imagine we woke up tomorrow with only what we had said thank you for today'. A sobering thought.

So let us all try. To be grateful for just one thing a day. Lets start there. And to do just one selfless thing for another person a day. Imagine the huge difference we could make!

Be kind to one another.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Dear 2013. For me, and for many, you have been one of the hardest and most challenging 365 days I have ever had to face. But I have to say the biggest thank you to you. For with those challenges, with those tears and the heartache and FRUSTRATIONS, I bought a home, I moved into it. I built a garden cottage. I did renovations. I was on TV. I met three amazing thought leaders. I started a beautiful relationship with my 'boyfriend' and mentor. I obtained a BURSARY to study at GIBS. I met my Cohort 6 babes. I made so many new friends everywhere I looked, when I started the year with less than a handful. Rekindled old friendships, AMAZING friendships and fell in love with Hayley Hynd. So thank you. Thank you for your curve balls. Thank you to each and every one who touched my heart and held my hand. Thank you for encouraging me, guiding me, and sometimes kicking me through the tough days. I am so grateful, so blessed, and so on fire for 2014. Bring it. Love and light to each one of you. Happy New Year! xx