
Monday, June 23, 2014

Defending the Cavewoman

I was fortunate enough to FINALLY go and watch Defending the Caveman on Wednesday evening. Did I laugh hard! What a funny performance and so true to life!

It did get me thinking though. Although we laugh hard at the punchlines, the scary part is how much we can all relate. To the stereotypes, to the fallacies and the myths and more than anything, the prejudice. Not just in the dynamics between the genders, but between the races, between the age groups, between the classes. How did it even start and where did it come from?

More to the point, will it ever end? I think although we laugh really easily at things of this nature, it is something that can go from a spark to a flame without any encouragement. Start off as a joke and end up in an argument. Or worse.

Does it not come from fear more than any other place? Fear of the unknown, of the unfamiliar. But then should it not spark curiosity, questioning, investigating? Why does it need to be quite so dogmatic in it's approach?

Makes one realise just HOW important those sessions on Diversity in the Workplace really are. Or Laughter Therapy. Or any activity that helps us see past our differences into our similarities.

Especially as we enter the month of Mandela, let us all put our differences aside, and be kind to one another.

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