
Friday, August 29, 2014

Leaving a Legacy

With my TWENTY YEAR school anniversary coming up in September, I have been chatting to some old classmates. One of them today said to me 'Your personality had a great impact on me Hayls, just to be yourself!' WOW! And this on a day where I was feeling like I am not making the biggest mark I can, I am not leaving the legacy I want to, and I am not effecting the impact I desire on this world.

Those close to me, in particular my one mentor, told me just yesterday 'keep following the breadcrumbs Hayls'. So I know that means I need to continue to strive for love and laughter and domestic bliss in my home life, reading and absorbing new information like a sponge, pioneering and engaging on the work front. And all the pieces will start to fit together.

I think the problem in today's age is that we want instantaneous gratification. Emails are sent, an an answer is expected within the hour. Whereas letters would be sent out and a month would be waited before responses were remotely awaited! Gone are the days where if you are not at home, or in the office, people couldn't reach you telephonically. And so therefore perhaps I am feeling a need for my legacy to be here, my footsteps, bronzed, and a day named after me as a Public Holiday, already.

Yet my body tells me to slow down. My senses tell me to stop. Take my shoes off. Feel the grass under my feet and the sun on my skin. LISTEN to the birds in the trees and the bees in the flowers. Appreciate the now. Appreciate the second. BE IN THE NOW.  This is what living is. And these are the things one MUST do in order to make a mark, leave a legacy, and effect an impact.

So today, on this cold Friday, I urge you to go home to your loved ones, your family (which for me very much encompasses my friends) and soak them in. Let them into your pores, tell them you love them, and invest in THEM. They are the ones who make us the people that we are, who teach us our greatest learnings, and nurture or break us. They are the ones with whom we entrust our legacies, and boost us to effect our impacts.

Be present.

Be kind, to one another and yourselves.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

New fines for contravening the EE Act:

Maximum permissible fines that may be imposed for contravening the act


Previous Contravention
Contravention of any Provision
of Sections 16 (read
with 17), 19, [20, 21,] 22, 24,
25, 26 and [23] 43(2)
Contravention of any
Provision of Sections
20, 21, 23 and 44(b)
Old Amount
New Amount
No previous contravention
R 500 000
R 1 500 000
The greater of
R 1 500 000 or 2% of
the employer’s turnover
A previous contravention in respect of the same provision
R 600 000
R 1 800 000
The greater of
R 1 800 000 or 4% of
the employer’s turnover
A previous contravention within the previous 12 months or two previous
contraventions in respect of the same provision within three years
R 700 000
R 2 100 000
The greater of
R 2 100 000 or 6% of
the employer’s turnover
Three previous contraventions
in respect of the same
provision within three years
R 800 000
R 2 400 000
The greater of
R 2 400 000 or 8% of
the employer’s turnover
Four previous contraventions
in respect of the same provision
within three years
R 900 000
R 2 700 000
The greater of
R 2 700 000 or 10% of
the employer’s turnover’’.

EE amendments

To all employers: a Handy Hint: We were informed yesterday that should your company be audited by DoL for EE purposes, the EE Manager and the EE Committee is entitled to sit in on any and all meetings and interviews that occur. This is law.