
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Relationships that stand the test of time

Why should relationships NOT stand the test of time? What reason could there possibly be that this is not just the norm? the dictionary describes relationship as being ‘the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.’

So when you meet somebody, and you gel with them, or when you ae born into relationship, one would think that this lasts. That you have found your best friend. Your lover. Your partner. Because they ticked the blocks and you ticked theirs.

However as human beings, we change. We adapt, we evolve. And for many people that means their partnerships and romances and friendships as well. The connection changes. It may fade.

In my life, there have absolutely been relationships that have stood the test. People who have come into my life not only for a season or a reason, but for a lifetime.

These people have left footprints in my heart. And if I had to attempt to ascertain what has made them different, I can absolutely say unconditional love. Friends. Friends of family. Family of friends. Older, younger. It doesn’t matter. It is built on mutual respect, mutual contact and effort, and zero expectations – just celebration in what you have with each other and in each other.

These are not the norm, these are the exception. And when you find the, honour them. Recognise them. and never stop appreciating them.

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