
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Does your mental health impact your physical health?

October, as we are all aware, is breast cancer awareness month. I personally know two ladies undergoing chemo currently with the biggest possibility of radiation being needed and then an operation to remove the growth if it does not improve from these two routes.


So often I have seen such a big link between what we think, and what we are conditioned to think, and what we feel about ourselves, manifesting in sickness. In disease, and most often, in cancers.


For years we have been told that we manifest our negativity, and our positivity, in our daily lives. That our minds are powerful enough to think things into creation. That what we think, we become.


People like Louise Hay tell us that we can heal our bodies. They tell us that various ailments are caused by our circumstances. So possibly issues with your breasts can be caused by issues with your mother when you were growing up. Feeling of inadequacy. Rejection. Of not being good enough. We also hear from alternative healers that your left side and your right side have different meanings, your past and your future or present.


Then what about genetics? Why do people who have cancer in their family history stand a much better chance of getting cancer themselves? Why do some people refuse chemo and radiation and insist on the treatment of cannabis? Why does cannabis assist so many people with pain relief? What about the additives and preservatives in our food? Can this give us cancer?



The truth is, nobody knows enough, and the people that do, aren’t telling. Because at the end of the day, our world is all about money, and about profiting from other people’s misfortunes. Turning a profit is the highest priority that people have. No matter the cost.


I had a cancer issue with my breasts and walked a very long journey. I discovered so much and grew incredibly. I lost my left nipple and most of my left breast, but through this loss, I gained so much. So much understanding, so much compassion. So much insight into who people are, especially those around me. I learned what I can actually take and tolerate, and what is a no-go. I learned what my body needs and how it heals.


What caused my issues can be interpreted in many ways. Issues with matriarchy in my bloodline. A family history. My own thoughts and my own negativity? Possibly? For years I had felt downtrodden. Victimised. Scared. Resentful. And where had it gone? Was it released through meditation and prayer? NO. Was it released through therapy and safe space talking. NO! It was kept safely inside my chest for years. Bursting at the seams to get out. To be heard. To be unpacked. Instead I guarded it close and eventually, it manifested in my body. And it festered there for 12 years before I found the correct treatment and the correct care.


With the ugliness so prevalent around us at the moment. The loss of income, homes, family, and life, we cannot but help feel, as a herd, that we are vulnerable. That inevitably we will fall too. But this self-talk, can only harm us. Emotionally, mentally, and I believe, physically. Do not let it fester. Do not give it space to grow and feel warm and comforted. Seek positivity. Seek affirmation and love. Leave the toxic relationships behind you. And only allow the light inside. Be kind to yourself this October.






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