
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How do you know your soul is fed?

Well maybe a good question to start with is – does your soul need to be fed? If so, what feeds it? And how much does it need to be fed?

So my answer is YES! You can feel the difference on days where your heart is happy, your purpose being lived. You can feel the sunlight on your skin, you seem to notice the birds in the trees, and the butterflies in the sky. Sounds somewhat like a Disney movie, and this is how life is meant to be lived. To capacity. In gratitude and in the present.

I brought my children up on holidays in the Kruger Park. Camping, sharing ablutions, and eating most meals from cans. This was what budgets allowed for and it was pure heaven! We laughed, we joked, we played games, and we were immersed in nature. These times were when my soul soared. When I could feel that if I was any more content, I may just explode. This is when I realised how neglected my soul was on a daily basis. How what I had been craving and longing for was fresh air, sunshine, happiness, and love. How simple and how easy!

And yet we forget. We feed our egos. We feed our brains. We feed our bodies. And so we carry on day after day week after week. Being in lockdown sure has not helped our mental state, nor has it helped our physical state. I spent so much of it in paralysing fear and terror of the unknown. I forgot about sunshine. I forgot about the birds in the trees. I forgot about play and love and gratitude and joy. I could only see the darkness.

And now, I have realised that my soul needs some loving. That I am feeling hollow and lonely because I put my lid on. I didn’t allow myself to be open. To allow myself to receive. It felt far better to wallow. And all my indoor plants have died because I refused them water and sunlight. And so now, time to start again. Time to plant my seeds, time to nurture them, and time to start feeding my soul again.

The world is in turmoil, yes, but I don’t need to be. I can look after my state of mind. I can watch how I interact, and I can start to germinate others afresh, just as I grow again.

Be kind to yourself

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