
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Being normal

Somebody recently pointed out that I'm not very normal. And it hurt my feelings. Because much as I advocate being unique and loving yourself and being you, it's so much harder to practice than preach.

And I spent today wondering about my normalcy. Wondering why I am so very different. In good and in not so good ways. And I thought possibly somebody else needed to read this. So here we go. 

As usual, if you dont want to read it please scroll on by.

I went to a good junior school. My parents sacrificed everything to send me there. But what happens when you are overweight and wear hand me down clothes AND happen to be one of the smartest in your grade is you get teased. You get looked down on. And you are ultimately rejected.

Roll on high school. Where I could be anything I wanted to be in my new beginning, I chose POPULAR. which to a 13 year old meant rebelling and getting as much negative attention as I could. This meant that i disrupted classes, caused general havoc, and ended up being despised by my peers as I caused their time to be wasted and often incurred punishments for the whole class. 

Mix in a tumultuous home life which was not happy and where you never felt belonging, and you have an 18 year old gone wild. Willing to try anything once. Or twice for fun. And so I did. This made me resent myself wholeheartedly for bad decisions and crazy Choices.

Leave home desperate to find normal and end up with the wrong partner. In the wrong environment. Living the wrong life. 

And so it goes. Always searching. Always yearning for acceptance and to fit in. And just never quite finding it.

And voila
Years later you are an adult wh0 has done their best to provide and to love and who missed the mark on loving and providing to me. 

Throw into the mix a star sign that symbolizes balance. A balance you've never ever achieved. And you have the least normal result.

Somebody who can be irrational. Somebody who can be jealous and hateful. Somebody who so easily sees negative and has to work consciously to ever find the good. Somebody who is insecure and neurotic. Somebody who is moody and sulky. 

But also somebody filled with so much love and loyalty for those who manage to find her good. Somebody who will always give to others in need
 Somebody who will try and inspire and motivate and grow every being around her. 

So yes
I'm not normal. I'm broken
But I'm human
And I'm trying my best. 

So to anybody I have hurt or ignored or made feel less than, I am sorry. And I love you

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