
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

What books I read in 2021 and why?


Well, for somebody who is an avid reader, and a fierce advocate for reading…. The answer is quite simple. NONE! Not even one. Even during lockdown I just couldn’t face it. So writing this piece makes me feel like a bit of a fraud and a phony.


I did try to red fiction. I started a few books, and I put them down. my books of choice are usually around entrepreneurs, business magnates, and trailblazers in their spaces. Because they all have so much that we can all learn from them.


Perhaps its now time to make a commitment, to myself and to those around me, that 2022 will be the year I bring my reading back to life. Instead of reading, I have been watching television. Hours and hours of nonsense, of reality shows based in countries I don’t live in, escapism at its finest. And yet I have a perfectly wonderful reality. I love my job, I adore my family, and have the most amazing partner. So what on earth am I escaping from?


Well, for me, it seems quite simple. I am running away from war, from covid, from death, greed and destruction. How much are we as human beings supposed to endure all at the same time? we already live in a country where devastation and poverty and corruption is part of our everyday narrative. Reality, for the past 2 years, has been incredibly harsh to exist in.


But today I avow that I will rediscover my love and passion for reading. I have  book entitled The Mastery of Love, by Don Miguel Ruiz, that has been peering at me from my bookshelf or literal years. And that is my first commitment. That within the next 2 weeks, I will pop the cherry and I will get back into the saddle of the world I once loved.


Because we have to. We need to get back up, we need to dust ourselves off, and we need to be better, for ourselves, and for the environment around us that we can control. After all, that’s all we can do.

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