
Saturday, November 13, 2021

Why did you start blogging?


Eight years ago, I was selected as a contestant on a local business television show. I was allocated three amazing women business leaders as my mentors at this time, and one of these ladies mentioned to me that if I was going to call myself a guru, or a thought leader, or a leader of any sort, I needed to establish myself as one. To take action. To stand up at be counted.


And so, I started to blog. I blogged about thoughts, I blogged about life events, life experiences. And in the course of this, I learned about me. I learned what makes me happy. What makes me passionate. I learned what makes me angry and what inspires me. To be better. To do better. To achieve more. To help more.


When I initially started it was so much about the other people who were reading it. What their thoughts were – about my writing, about my story, about my experiences. Are they judging me? Are they laughing at me? Does anybody even care?


And I came to realise, even if nobody acknowledges what you have written, somebody out there has resonation with your words.  Somebody has been touched by your words. When I was 27, my husband left me, and I was 7 months pregnant. It felt like the world had ended, and that I was a leper nobody else would ever want to be near ever again. That I was shunned. That I had failed. Only to find out, in later years, that so many people have been in the same boat as I was in. And if I had heard that, at that time, it would have made the world of difference for my confidence and for my esteem. To know that it wasn’t only me. To know that it had nothing to do with me actually, but with my ex husband.


And so, every two weeks, I write. I blog about topics chosen for me, and topics I have chosen for myself. I pour my heart out. If anybody reads it, has actually got nothing to do with me. For now, I write. I express. I confess. And I know that somebody, somewhere in the universe, who needs to hear it more than ever, will hear it.


And I continue to try to be kinder to those around me, and to myself. This is why I blog.



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