
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

How do you go about planning your week?


A very good question indeed. Something I was fabulous at. Up until around April 2020. When planning tomorrow just didn’t seem that important anymore.


When you weren’t sure if you would be around tomorrow, if your job was secure enough, your country sufficiently stable to warrant any planning.


Yes things did change. Momentarily. But the variables changed, on a whim. You can travel outside of your province. No you cannot. You may buy alcohol. No you may not. you may see your family. No, actually you may not!


So planning stopped being for a month, and even for a week. It started being day by day. even this proved to be a challenge. Exposure to COVID-positive friends or family members added the next challenge. From being able to go out for dinner, with a mask, in a controlled environment, coming home before a specified time, and drinking no alcohol, turned very quickly into not leaving the house for 14 days!


So for now, my plans are around my happiness. Around my circle. Around my heart. Because at the end of the day, we have always known that life is fragile. We have always known that tomorrow is not guaranteed. I plan to be successful. In my career. In my business, in my family. Within my friendships, and within my relationship. I plan time on all of these in my week. And when I am lucky enough to be around my family, I am fully present. When I am around my friends, I am fully absorbed. And in the workplace I am entirely committed and productive.


This for me has become the only way I can plan. We long for more freedom. We yearn for the way things were. But for me, I am so grateful for the realisations that have come my way. Thank you 2020. And even more than anything. Thank you for 2021. Thank you for life. And thank you for new opportunities. Be kind to one another.

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