
Friday, January 15, 2021

Is being alone okay

When I was first given this topic, I thought of it in a romantic way. At the time I was in a relationship. However I have been single for much of my adult life and always had my children at home with me. so even before the relationship, I had them.


And then the relationship ended, and my children are not at home, and I am now alone. However, I work from home, so my wonderful staff come in every day. And I have 8 amazing dogs who keep me company every second of every day. And I have the most amazing family and friends and support networks all around me. Virtually, for the most part, but there nevertheless. And I began to think firstly, about all the people who spent lockdown alone. Who had been retrenched, lost their homes, lost loved ones. How this has been a year of being alone


Alone with your fears, alone with your worries. Not allowed to see parents, siblings, or extended family. Some parents not being able to see their children.


How many people could see no other alternative but to end their lives. Because they could not deal with the loneliness. The solitude. The voices inside of them that other people silence.


And so, in conclusion, we all need to be okay with being alone. Because at the end of the day it’s the only relationship that will last until you take your last breath – your one with yourself.


Be kind to one another

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