
Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Business of Gratitude

So often in life it is far too easy to concentrate on what is wrong. What is hard. What is a battle. What is bringing us down. We are so busy being negative, it is all we can see. And do not be fooled, it happens faster than you know. 

My dog was really sick a few weeks ago. We thought we would lose him. He is much better but has taken to urinating on every square foot of our house. And I have been shrieking like a banshee. Until this morning I sat back and thought - at least he is alive and well and has his bladder function! :) 

And then I started thinking about all the people I share my story with. People I don't see every day, talk to every day, or maybe don't even think about every day. Because I am busy. I am busy building a business. I am busy nurturing a family on my own. Most of all I am busy concentrating on my stress and my misfortune. When the heck did that happen? 

I am blessed to have a Fairy Godmother. And she taught me many things, and one of them is a practice I maintain every day. I write in my gratitude journal. Just one item every morning that I am grateful for. So why, if I am journalling, and I am practicing gratitude, is it a pratice so far from my actions?

The answer is, because it is easy. It is easy to feel sorry for yourself instead of celebrating your successes, however small they are. A friend told me this weekend, that the glass is always refillable. And I LOVED that! What a beautiful notion is that? It doesn't matter if it is flat bottom empty. Fill the dam thing up! 

And so today I want to thank the unsung heroes in my story. To my stepfather, who has changed our family and touched every single one of us impenetrable Coopers with his love for my mother and changed our stories. Seeing our mom nurtured and loved and appreciated is a game changer for us all! 

To our beautiful musical family - our aunt and uncle, who inspire and lead by love, who accept without question and who love their God first and foremost. Thank you to the two of you for loving us and please know how loved and admired and treasured you are to so many. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow night!

And my brother in law. Thank you for being such a big part of our family and for loving my sister and my nephew always. Even when its hard. And for letting us love you, even when it is hard.

To my work colleagues. It has been hard, it has been horrible, and it will continue to be so for the next three weeks but thank you for being a part of my heart at work. And in life. I see you, I acknowledge you and I love you.

To my best friend in Durban. I know your heart. I know your pain. And what has happened to you is not only unfair, it is unfathomable. And yet you carry on, day after day, step after step. We see you. We acknowledge you. And I promise you, you will be rewarded and your load will be lifted. Just carry on my love. One day at a time.

To the person I once called my person. I am proud of you. I know your path is not easy but I know that if anybody has the strength, it is you. It is a game changer. It is a life changer. But YOU have the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference. I love you.

My special yellow bone. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for being my sister and letting me love and support you. Our story would not be complete without you in the very middle chapter. 

Tomorrow is never guaranteed and as a family we are well-versed in this. I love you, I see you and I salute you.

Be kind to one another.

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